
Are Jaguars And Panthers The Same Animal

Black panter with intense look

In the big cat family, there are a ton of different species that all wait different.

Amid those are the panther and the jaguar.

Although they look different, information technology may be surprising to know that they're really the same species.

Both the panther and jaguar fall nether the genus Panthera.

This genus includes other cats like lions, tigers, leopards, and snowfall leopards.

The central departure is that panthers have a factor that gives them black fur instead of tan fur.

That said, they're basically the same animal.

However, a few key differences betwixt them have likely arisen because of this genetic difference in coloration.

Hither are the differences between a panther and a jaguar.

Panther vs. Jaguar (What's The Departure?)

1. Interchangeable Names

Jaguar - Panthera onca

I of the differences betwixt a panther and a jaguar is that the term "panther" is frequently interchangeable with other large cats.

For example, there are big cats in Florida that many call panthers.

They specifically telephone call it the Florida panther.

Nonetheless, the Florida panther is actually a cougar or mountain lion and not the black or white panthers that near people think of when they hear the name.

People also sometimes use the term panther to describe leopards or jaguars.

Technically, these two are correct since both leopards and jaguars fall under the genus Panthera.

The Florida panther does not.

It falls under the genus Puma.

While the term panther is often used interchangeably, this isn't the case with the term jaguar.

When an individual calls a big cat a jaguar, and so they're referring to the large true cat with tan fur and spots.

They don't telephone call a tiger a jaguar, for instance, nor would they call a lion a jaguar.

Panthers and jaguars are dissimilar because, scientifically speaking, you can use the term panther to describe whatever big cat that falls under its genus.

You lot cannot telephone call every big true cat a jaguar, withal.

two. Fur Color

Black Jaguar

Ane of the biggest differences between a panther and a jaguar is the color of their fur.

You can commonly tell one from the other because of its coloring.

Jaguars have tan, gilded, and even reddish fur.

Panthers, or what are commonly called panthers, are either black or white.

Even though they're technically jaguars, they're given a dissimilar name because there is a stark difference in their coloring.

If you look closely, then yous can run into that they're the same creature.

Both have the same sort of spots on their fur.

They're called rosettes, and most jaguars characteristic a spot at the center of their chests.

Black panthers and white panthers also share this pattern.

Information technology isn't always easy to come across on them because the spots are darker and blend in with the rest of their fur.

Black panthers and jaguars are different considering of their coloring.

three. Genetic Phenotype

Jaguar Family

To understand why panthers and jaguars are dissimilar, physically, you lot need to understand their genetic makeup.

Genes are coded for unlike things in every living organism.

They determine how tall you become, the color of your skin, the color of your hair, whether you're prone to particular diseases, and your full general lifespan.

Genes too apply to the brute kingdom.

The reason that blackness panthers, or rather black jaguars, are a different color from standard jaguars has to do with their genes.

Black panthers have a ascendant gene that codes for blackness fur.

When they mate with another blackness panther, and then the consequence is more black panther cubs.

If they mate with a tan jaguar, then they could have either black cubs or tan cubs.

The stardom is that a tan jaguar cannot have black cubs on its own.

They may behave a recessive factor that carries the black phenotype, but it will simply ever show upwards in a cub if they mate with a blackness panther.

It'southward also possible for blackness panthers to inherit the gene that codes for blackness fur recessively.

In this instance, if they were to have a black cub, then they'd need to mate with another black panther that either has a dominant or recessive gene for black fur.

Genetically, blackness panthers and jaguars are the aforementioned.

The difference, in genetic terms, is that a black panther has a gene that codes for a black fur phenotype and a jaguar doesn't.

four. Habitat

Jaguar (P. Onca)

Another central difference between black jaguars and tan jaguars is their habitat.

Black panthers are primarily in the Amazon basin and stick to thick forests.

That's because they prefer to keep to the shadows.

One theory of how their coloration came to be is that enough of the species found success in hunting in dark areas.

As a result, their colour turned black to better assist them hunt at night.

Tan jaguars, on the other hand, are in forests, savannahs, and grasslands.

Their golden color allows them to blend into other habitats more than easily.

Because of that, they're a bit more spread out than black panthers.

You tin fifty-fifty find them in swampy areas fighting and eating caimans.

Although they both live within the aforementioned region, they're all very territorial of their spaces.

Yous won't observe a jaguar and panther living in each other'due south spaces outside of the mating season.

Even their cubs only stick with their mothers for ii years before finding a territory that they tin claim as their own.

5. Population


Thanks to deforestation, climate change, and poaching, both the black panther and jaguar take seen steep declines in their populations.

The blackness panther is the more at-run a risk of the two.

That'south because only 11% of jaguars are black panthers.

The current estimated population of jaguars is 64,000 in the unabridged world.

They're considered an endangered species and are on the IUCN red list.

Since black panthers but make upwardly 11% of the overall jaguar population, you can see that their numbers are even smaller.

Their population decline comes as a issue of deforestation and poaching.

The Amazon serves as a source of woods for many logging companies.

Its trees, however, are besides the primary hunting areas for jaguars.

Deforestation besides kills off smaller animals that jaguars rely on for nutrient.

Every bit their territories become smaller, jaguars also have to compete against one another for food and access to mates.

Poaching is another serious trouble.

Many poachers hunt jaguars for their skins and their bones.

Since tiger bones are illegal to sell, there are those in Asia who accept switched to using jaguar bones instead.

While the jaguar has a minor population, it'southward the black panther that is at nearly risk of extinction.

half-dozen. Temperament

Big male Jaguar

The general temperaments between black panthers and jaguars also differ.

Black panthers tend to be more than aggressive than jaguars.

It may be one of the reasons black panthers have a smaller population.

It's more difficult for them to attract mates since they're so territorial and adversarial.

Both can be extremely dangerous, nevertheless.

7. Diet

Jaguar swimming on the banks of the Cuiaba River

Although they live inside the same surface area, the diet of jaguars and black jaguars is likewise different.

Jaguars are excellent swimmers.

This broadens their diet to include turtles, fish, and even caimans.

The blackness panther, on the other hand, tends to remain in the wood.

It's a nocturnal brute which means it sleeps in trees during the day, and then hunts at night.

Its black fur makes information technology a corking predator during the dark.

Considering it sticks around the wood to hunt, information technology tends to eat animals that live in the jungle.

Monkeys, different types of pigs or boar, and other small- to-medium animals tend to make up its prey.

Since they don't swim as well as the tan jaguars, panthers don't bother much with hunting in the h2o.

8. Size

Black panther

A final difference between black panthers and jaguars is their size.

Although they're the aforementioned fauna, there are slight differences between the two.

Jaguars tend to abound betwixt five and six feet tall.

Panthers tend to grow between vii and eight feet tall.

They besides have unlike weight ranges.

Jaguars weigh anywhere from 120 pounds to 210 pounds.

Black panthers weigh anywhere from 100 pounds to 250 pounds.

One reason black panthers might weigh a niggling more is that they demand more muscle to easily climb and navigate through trees.

When seeing a jaguar and panther side-by-side, however, these differences are barely detectable.

What Are The Similarities Betwixt Jaguars And Black Panthers?

portrait of Jaguar (Panthera Onca) in natural habitat

Although at that place are some differences between the two, there are far more similarities between jaguars and black panthers.

That's because they're the same creature.

One only has a dissimilar fur color because of a genetic mutation.

Here are some similarities between jaguars and blackness panthers.

1. Early on Life

Portrait of a black jaguar in the forest

All jaguars and blackness panthers take the same kind of babyhood.

They're born in litters with other cubs.

They but have their mom effectually as their dads tend to exit shortly after mating with the mother.

The mom has to regularly go out them lone to get hunt food for them all.

Because of this, both black panthers and jaguars are vulnerable when they're babies.

There isn't anyone around to protect them in case another larger animal decides to eat them.

They're also born bullheaded.

They're at even college take a chance of death because they might fall into a ravine, off of a cliff, or stumble right into a ophidian or predator.

Eventually, both jaguars and panthers gain their sight.

They develop enough muscle and coordination to join their mothers on hunts.

They learn from their mothers how to hunt.

In one case they accomplish the historic period of 2, the young cubs split off.

They separate and each tries to find its own area to claim.

The surface area usually has admission to water and contains a sizable hunting population.

Thanks to deforestation, it's harder for cubs to establish their own territories.

They often accept to compete with one another for the same nutrient sources.

This has caused some to dice of starvation.

two. Solitary Lifestyle


Both jaguars and black panthers also live solitary and independent lives.

After they reach the age of two, the cubs live separately from one another.

They're not pack animals like lions.

They're similar to tigers and cougars in that they hunt lonely and live alone.

The only fourth dimension they come across other jaguars or panthers is during the mating season.

The male will travel in search of a female person to mate with.

However, because these creatures are territorial, information technology tin can sometimes be difficult for them to find 1 another, let alone let them into their territory.

Later on the mating season, both the male and female return to their respective territories and keep their solitary way of living until the next season.

3. Same Killing Style

Black jaguar or panther

While jaguars and panthers tend to hunt different animals, they have the same kind of killing style.

Both are ambush predators.

They like to stalk their casualty and wait until they're vulnerable before attacking them.

This commonly ways they like to wait until their casualty either has their back to them or has their head down.

They'll and so blitz the prey and either leap on them or go right for the attack.

Jaguars and panthers use the stiff muscles in their jaws to deliver a powerful bite that either kills the prey outright or significantly weakens it.

This then allows them to cease the attack with footling effort or risk of harm.

Both jaguars and panthers besides use the same types of cover to stem their prey.

They climb trees or hibernate below the underbrush while they're stalking.

Jaguars and panthers are like because they both use ambush techniques to kill their prey.

iv. Territory Marking

Wildlife animal Jaguar

A last way that jaguars and panthers are the same is how they marker their territory.

Jaguars and panthers mark their territory by dragging their claws on trees.

Besides the visual marking, their paws also accept glands on them which secrete the individual'due south scent.

When a passing jaguar or panther smells the odor, then they know that they're in another's territory.

Jaguars and panthers too use their ain waste to marking their territory.

They'll either urinate or defecate on their borders to mark their territory.

Like their glands, their waste material also emits a smell that warns others to stay away.

Are Jaguars And Panthers The Same Thing?

Leopard or panther

Yes, jaguars and black panthers are the aforementioned thing.

White panthers are likewise the same as jaguars.

They autumn nether the same species proper name.

The only real divergence between them is the colour of their fur.

This difference has led to other differences because it enables black panthers to hunt a picayune differently from their tan counterparts.

Since they chase differently, their hunting grounds and casualty are different.

Since their hunting grounds and casualty are different, then their habitat and behavior also tend to exist different.

That said, jaguars and panthers are the same animal.

Is a Puma A Panther?

Puma, cougar portrait isolated on black background

1 might also wonder if a puma is the same affair as a panther.

Technically, a puma does fall under the wider genus Panthera.

However, that does non hateful that a puma similar a mountain lion is the same as a panther like a black jaguar.

They are a different species although they're all big cats.

Pumas tend to exist smaller than panthers.

They too lack the panther'southward spots.

Their territories are also different with pumas disposed to live further north than panthers.

While pumas are big cats and fit nether the genus Panthera, they are non the same equally blackness jaguars.

Are Jaguars And Leopards The Same?

The portrait of Javan leopard

When examining big cats under the Panthera genus, you lot may notice that the jaguar and leopard look similar.

However, they are not the same animal.

If yous were to look closer at the two animals, y'all would see that the spots are different.

Jaguars tend to have clumps of smaller spots close together.

Leopards have spots that are thicker and wider.

They likewise don't accept the same kind of clumps of spots every bit jaguars.

Jaguars are likewise larger and stockier than leopards.

This may be because jaguars spend a lot of time climbing trees and swimming.

Leopards but climb trees, and then they don't have as much muscle mass.

That said, leopards practice have their own black variant that looks similar to a black jaguar.


Jaguars and black panthers are the same fauna.

A black panther is a jaguar that has a genetic phenotype that codes for black fur instead of tan fur.

Because of this difference, the black panther has adult behaviors that allow it to use its dark fur to its reward.

That has led to many differences between it and its tan counterparts.


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